Children's hobbies - how to carry away the baby?

Psychologists say that stable cognitive interests begin to form in children aged 4 to 4.5 years. If a child is seriously interested in some kind of activity or shows a serious interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge, it is likely that the child's passion will grow into something more: it will further turn his hobby into a profession or an important sphere of adult life. We advise parents to encourage and strongly promote the development of children's interests.


It is not necessary to consider the process of collecting too simple, because the collection of a certain group of objects requires the child to be attentive, persevering and form a desire to learn new about the components of his own collection. Also, collecting can strengthen relations between different generations in the family, because common interests bring together. Baby, for example, together with the older sister collects toys from kinder-surprises, or with the mother of miniature calendars, or with the stamp dad. Collecting helps to develop the ability to systematize, contain in a certain order the objects of the collection.

Natural science

Natural children's interest in phenomena and objects of the surrounding world can easily be translated into a constant interest in biology, astronomy, physics. Do not rush to answer all the children why? It will be much more useful to try to search for answers to questions in common with the baby: to observe, to put experiments, to look through children's encyclopedia, to look through materials on the Internet. You can buy an inquisitive child a simple microscope , magnifying glass, sets of "Young biologist", "Young chemist", etc. Remarkably combined natural history interest and fascination with collecting, for example, the collection of herbarium plants, a collection of minerals, figurines of dinosaurs. If the child is keen on photographing, he can make photo collections and photo-reports about the research.

World of Art

Abilities in this or that artistic sphere in a child are extremely early. If your baby is clearly developed plastic movements, a sense of rhythm, a musical ear, you should start driving him to classes in a choreographic studio. Your child on the whim of conveying the perspective, perfectly chooses a color solution, for hours sitting behind the coloring pages? Most likely, he has the ability to draw. You can buy art supplies, draw with him in the open air, and you can give the kid to an art studio, where his talents will be developed by a specialist. It is also easy to calculate the interest and abilities of the child to the theater, music.


Interest in needlework in many children also manifests itself in the early years and is usually based on the hobby of someone close to a certain type of work. Often a small daughter, asks her mother, who knits with ecstasy, shows how the loops are made, or the son whose father is engaged in modeling ships, begins to help him, performing simple operations. Gradually, skills are improved, and the child begins to master more complex techniques of work, showing creativity and independence.


Many parents start to take the child to the sports sections to promote health and full physical development. It's great if regular sports activities become a habit for an emerging personality! Sport promotes the education of will power, purposefulness. Even if the young athlete does not become a professional in the future, physical exercises in the best way affect all the systems of the body.

Support the child in his endeavors, help overcome inertia and laziness! Childhood is the most important and responsible period in the formation of personality: what is laid in the young years, becomes the foundation on which to build the future life and destiny of man.