Chicken hearts with potatoes - recipe

From sub-products, which include the liver and hearts, you can cook delicious dishes. And those who claim that they are not tasty, they just misread it. Below you are waiting for recipes for cooking chicken hearts with potatoes.

Hearts with potatoes in a multivark



We clean our hearts and mine. Potatoes, carrots and onions are cleaned and my cold water. Cut the potatoes with medium-sized cubes. Grind carrots and onions. At the bottom of the multivarka spread potatoes, then - hearts, carrots and then onions, spices and butter. Solim and pour water. If desired, you can also use cream or milk instead of water - the taste will only become tender. We select the program "Quenching" on the display and the time is 1 hour. At the end of this program, turn on the "Baking" mode and time - 20 minutes. Chicken hearts with potatoes are mixed and hot served to the table.

Chicken hearts, stewed with potatoes



First we prepare vegetables: onions cut into half rings, and cut carrots with straws. Grind the garlic. We chop the potatoes. Chicken hearts are washed under cool water, remove the blood vessels and excess fat. We spread them on a frying pan with preheated vegetable oil. When the liquid separated by the hearts evaporates, we salt them, we spread carrots and onions. Continue to fry the hearts for about 5 minutes, and then put the tomato paste and potatoes. We pour in so much water that it covers the products and after boiling add spices and salt. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes with medium heat. If you want that the potatoes become more boiled, then increase the cooking time. In the end, sprinkle all the grated cheese, greens, cover the frying pan with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes, and then serve it to the table.

Fried potato with hearts



Chicken hearts are washed and put in boiling water, boil for about 15 minutes. Cut onions in half rings. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into slices. Fry hearts with onion until golden brown. Then salt, season with spices, mix and cook for 5 minutes. Then pour in the water, cover the fire and stew for about 20 minutes. Now add the potatoes and fry until ready. Chicken hearts, fried with potatoes, served to the table with a salad of vegetables.

Potato with hearts in a pot



Grind the onions, carrots and fry them until soft. Separately fry chopped mushrooms until they come out of moisture. Now fry the hearts with pepper and salt for about 20 minutes. At the bottom of the pots we spread the sliced ​​potatoes, salt and put a little butter on top, then place mushrooms, chicken hearts, which are sprinkled with your favorite spices. A mixture of basil, oregano and chaiber is excellent. We spread the stewed vegetables from above and pour the cream down to the middle of the pot. Sprinkle with cheese and at 220 ° C prepare 30 minutes.