Bath of Hippocrates

In ancient Greek medicine, a lot of attention was paid to various fluids. They were considered the source of life, strength, health and even associated with the temperament of man, his inner state. Therefore, approximately in the 6th century BC a visit to the bath became an obligatory procedure for the entire population. Ancient Greek physicians, in particular - Hippocrates, carefully studied the effect of this measure on the body, the condition of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

What is the bath of Hippocrates?

The procedure is carried out in a room with walls made of natural stone. It maintains a constant temperature of 35 degrees Celsius. Humidity in this case can be adjusted depending on the well-being and desire of visitors. In addition, in the bath are heated massage tables for manipulating the joints and spine.

How useful is Hippocrates bath?

In addition to the fact that the bath itself is one of the best ways to maintain the ideal purity of the body and skin, it performs the following functions:

Water vapor significantly stimulates the body as a whole, tones up and favorably affects the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that the bath helps increase the concentration of blood cells - red blood cells and leukocytes, as well as the amount of hemoglobin. This allows us to strengthen the supply of oxygen to the organs and increase resistance to pathogenic organisms and viruses, and to support immunity.

Another beneficial effect is the activation of respiratory functions of the lungs. Frequent, deep breaths and exhalations normalize the thermoregulation of the whole organism, reducing gas exchange in all cells.

After intensive physical exertion, the bath of Hippocrates is simply irreplaceable. From the surface of the skin, dead cells of the epidermis are removed along with products of cellular decay and fatty surpluses.

Moreover, the procedure under consideration has an excellent effect on the work of the kidneys, liver, intestine, stomach, endocrine glands, peripheral and central nervous system, on the psychoemotional state of a person and his mood.

The main advantage of the Hippocratic bath is its effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system of man. The therapeutic effect is manifested in the treatment of joint diseases, radiculitis, myositis , neuritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis, sprains of muscles and ligaments, sciatica and other similar ailments. This is achieved by combining the healing effect of steam, moisture and increasing body temperature with aromatherapy, inhalations with phytoextracts. Besides, the subsequent carrying out of a session of professional massage promotes a stretching of a backbone, elimination of salt deposits, improvement of mobility of joints. It should be noted that the Hippocrates bath is useful not only for treating existing diseases, but also for the prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system. The point is that the procedure under consideration promotes the renewal of cartilaginous tissue and its formation where deficiency is observed. Therefore, after visiting the bath Hippocrates significantly improves overall health, chronic pain in the back and muscles disappear, and the motor processes of the limbs are alleviated.