Baby nursery rhymes for toddlers

Children's nursery rhymes for toddlers are small entertainment rhymes designed to communicate with the child. For a baby, it is important not only to have constant physical contact with your mother, he also needs to hear her voice.

What are they needed for?

Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers often used short little rhymes for the youngest, with each version having its own version. Cheerful utterance was accompanied by awakening, charging, water procedures, eating, sleeping, and much more.

Despite the fact that a child at an early age does not understand everything, he reacts to the gentle voice of his mother. Over time, these games-poteshki for little ones will cause positive emotions and a sincere smile. And if you supplement them with strokes and other tactile stimulation, then such communication, no doubt, will please your crumb.

The use of children's nursery rhymes for the youngest is to get acquainted and to know the world around them, and also they contribute to the formation of speech function and emotional development. The memory also improves, and during the massage it helps to relax. Usually babes are capricious when they start to dress. In this case, playing games and rhymes for the youngest will become an effective assistant and a distracting maneuver. In this disguise will bring only a good mood. And even if the crumb begins to be capricious, then after such a fun game all the harmfulness will evaporate.

Examples of rhymes

Often rhymes-poteshki for the smallest mom tells in a playful form. That is, during the singing of the song it is necessary to show clearly what is at stake. For example:

Child chin,

Cheeks, cheeks,

Spout, sponges.

And behind the sponges is the tongue

With a pacifier, he used to be friends.

Eyes, eyes,

The brow, the brow,

Lobic, lobic clever -

Mom will not look around.

In doing so, it should be shown on the sponge, brow, and so on. Or here is another suitable variant of nursery rhyme for small children with a training bias aimed at getting to know their body:

Where are our ears?

Listening to pestles!

And where are the eyes?

Watching fairy tales!

And where are the teeth?

Hide the sponge!

Well, the mouth of the lock!

Or this option:

Where are you running, legs?

On the summer path,

From the hill to the mound

Behind the berry in the boron.

In the green forest

I'll dial you

Black bilberries,

Scarlet strawberry.

In addition, such entertainment will cause the crumb only positive emotions, laughter and even contribute to the development of creative abilities .