10 actors who played Russian classics

The film "Gogol. The beginning "became the leader of hire in Russia. The main role in it was performed by the actor Alexander Petrov, who, reincarnated as a great writer, changed beyond recognition. And what did other famous actors look like in the role of Russian classics?

Let us recall the brightest reincarnations of Russian actors.

Alexander Petrov in the film "Gogol. Start"

The film "Gogol" is not biographical, it is rather a bizarre adaptation of the writer's works, where he himself has the main role. The director and actor Alexander Petrov allowed themselves to fantasize: their Gogol is not much like the real Nikolai Vasilyevich, but very colorful. He suffers from a variety of phobias, regularly faints and, in addition, has the gift of clairvoyance. Alexander Petrov was under the strong impression of his character:

"It is clear that we, the actors, are entering the image: they played the scene - and went to eat cookies with tea, this is normal. But then, after the scenes I played, there was a train left. It was worth me to come to the set and put on a wig (maybe it's in it), my heart was starting to beat faster. I swear, while I was walking in the wig, I had a joke. "

Sergei Bezrukov in the series "Yesenin"

Sergey Bezrukov has a talent for reincarnating in anyone: from A.S. Pushkin to Vladimir Vysotsky. But the role of the poet Sergei Yesenin was, of course, the best. The actor was able to feel his famous namesake, he beautifully displayed sadness and universal sorrow, which owned a poet. Yesenin's verses in his performance sound very touching and penetrate to the depths of his soul.

In general, the life of Bezrukov is inextricably linked with this genius of Russian literature. Even the actor received his name in memory of him: his father was a passionate admirer of the poet.

Sergei Bezrukov in the film "Pushkin. The Last Duel »

In this film, the make-up artists managed to achieve the almost portrait similarity of Bezrukov with the great poet. But the actor himself laid out, as always, 100%, brilliantly embodying on the screen the image of genius. And when Bezrukov was asked who was closer to him, Pushkin or Yesenin, he replied that both poets have much in common:

"They are similar in temperament, in character, in their behavior in society. They were rebels, they all had this feeling of challenge, their restlessness, temperament, the thirst for life, which they did not intend, but they drank with large sips, like a thick wine "

Yevgeny Mironov in the series "Dostoevsky"

If Bezrukov in our minds is inextricably linked with Yesenin, then Evgeni Mironov, undoubtedly, is associated with F.M. Dostoevsky. The actor brilliantly performed the roles of Ivan Karamazov, Prince Myshkin and, finally, the writer himself. He prepared very carefully for filming in the Dostoyevsky TV series: he read diaries and letters from the classics, visited museums dedicated to him, and even consulted physicians to thoroughly study epilepsy, from seizures the writer suffered.

Victoria Isakova in the movie "Mirrors"

Before proceeding to the film, director Marina Migunova studied the biography of Marina Tsvetaeva for 5 years:

"During this time, I learned how Tsvetaeva looked, what kind of friends she had, and what situations she was going through. I had the opportunity to analyze her behavior in a given situation "

The main role was invited to a talented actress Victoria Isakova, who brilliantly embodied on the screen the image of a controversial and emotionally unstable poetess. Considering how thoroughly the actress and director had studied Tsvetaeva's personality, we can conclude that Isakova's character is very close to the original.

Andrew Chernyshov in the series "Mayakovsky. Two days"

The series narrates about the events of two days, which preceded the suicide of the poet. In the role of Mayakovsky Andrew Chernyshov starred. Many viewers who watched the film agreed that the actor is very similar to the poet, but Chernyshov himself does not think so:

"I do not look like Mayakovsky. My nose is different »

Mikhail Porechenkov in the TV series "Kuprin"

In this series, based on the most famous works of the writer, the role of Kuprin went to Mikhail Porechenkov. According to the actor, working on the film was very interesting, and the most difficult test for him was riding a horse.

Mikhail Eliseev in the series "The Death of the Wazir Mukhtar"

Mikhail Eliseev starred in many historical films, but his role was, of course, the role of A.S. Griboyedov in the series "The Death of Wazir Mukhtar." The actor brilliantly reincarnated in the author of "Woe from Wit", but at the same time he resolutely declares that there is nothing in common between him and the famous writer.

Andrei Smirnov in the film "Diary of his wife"

The film tells about the last love of Ivan Bunin. For the role of the writer, actor Andrei Smirnov was awarded the "Nika" film award, as the performer of the best male role.

Svetlana Kryuchkova in the movie "The Moon at the Zenith"

The film takes place in the last years of Anna Akhmatova's life. The role of the famous poetess went to actress Svetlana Kryuchkova, who is sure that their fates are mystically connected:

"Akhmatova was born on June 23, I am on June 22. She lived on the Fontanka River, and I live on the Fontanka River "

In addition, when the shooting began, Kryuchkova dreamed that her deceased husband Yuri Veksler came to her and asked him to feed him. It turned out that Akhmatova dreamed about her first husband Nikolai Gumilev.