The skin after sunbath

After a long stay in the sun, we often face such problems as redness and peeling of the skin. The main thing that bothers us is that the skin will tear after sunburn . Undoubtedly, everything looks rather unaesthetically and causes a lot of inconvenience. Let's look at the causes of this phenomenon and ways to combat it.

Why after a sunburn oblazit a skin?

Under the influence of prolonged solar irradiation, the epidermis is dried, the consequence of which is the death of surface cells. The organism perceives dry epidermis, as an alien body and begins to reject it. The appearance of whitish scales indicates the beginning of rejection of the upper layer of the skin.

What should I do if my skin is covered?

The main task is intensive hydration and nutrition of damaged tissues. Recovery includes the following activities:

  1. Exfoliate with soft scrubs. It is better for these purposes to use natural means based on vegetable oil with the addition of sugar or coffee grounds. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until uniform and applied to the areas of peeling. When using peeling in the event that the skin is after sunburn, it is necessary to let the oil soak in, and then remove the rest of the substance with a napkin. Among ready-made cosmetics, preference should also be given to oil-based formulations.
  2. It is important to use moisturizers. Due to lack of moisture and malnutrition, often the skin on the legs. Creams based on aloe, chamomile help well. You can also use vegetable oils, applying them to the skin every time after showering.
  3. It is useful to take vitamins. Fighting the problem should not only be outside, but also affecting the body from the inside. To maintain water balance it is necessary to observe the drinking regime (not less than two liters of water per day). It is also useful to saturate the diet with vitamins E , A and Group B. It is enough to consume more seeds, nuts, carrots, liver, seafood and black bread.

It will cover the skin on the face

The skin of the face requires careful care, especially if it is prone to dryness. For cleansing, it is better to use oatmeal flakes, and for moisturizing, masks with cottage cheese and fatty cream will do. It is important to pay attention to nutrition, using fatty creams and applying masks with oils and egg yolk. With strong peeling, it is helpful to wipe the face with ice slices from linden broth. To restore the damaged cover, it is necessary to exclude from the menu allergenic products - coffee, fatty, chocolate and alcohol.