Stephen Fry said that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer

The famous 60-year-old English actor Stephen Fry recently took part in one of the TV shows, telling a rather sad story about himself. It turns out that at the end of December 2017 Steven was diagnosed with prostate cancer. They discovered this disease on time and now Fry feels fine.

Steven Fry

I thought I had a cold

His story of how he lived for the past two months, Stephen began with what he said about the suspicion of the flu:

"Everything was fine in my life, and I never thought that fate would give me such an unpleasant surprise. For several weeks I struggled with the fact that I did not pass all the signs of the flu. I thought I fell ill with a cold or something similar. I went to the clinic where I received blood and a number of other tests, the results of which shocked me. The doctors told me that they have suspicions of a tumor. After that I was urgently given a biopsy and an MRI scan, and then I was sentenced to prostate cancer. When I heard the diagnosis, I was horrified. Despite my shock, the doctors said that this disease was discovered in time, which means that the treatment will be very gentle. I was offered a choice of two options for solving my problem: an operation to remove the prostate and 11 lymph nodes or chemotherapy. I chose the first. I think that my decision was right. In any case, I want to think so. "

After that, the 60-year-old actor told about what emotions he is experiencing now:

"Frankly, the last two months that I was doing my health, it was very difficult for me. Now everything is fine, and I feel healthy. I can calmly talk about what happened and answer journalists' questions. You know, I always thought that cancer is scary, but nothing like this will ever happen to me. Now I understand how wrong I was. It turns out that cancer can occur, whenever and with anyone and no one on this planet is immune from it. Now I, like no other, enjoy life. I think that the operation and the timely help of doctors were presented to me for several more years of life. I want to live them with pleasure, so that later on I can not regret anything. "
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Fry is a very famous actor

Stephen began his career as an actor and comedian in 1982. It was then that the actor met Hugh Laurie, who played a rather large role in his life, becoming a good friend and colleague. A lot of people know that at the very beginning Fry's acting career did not go very well. The first success came to him in 1987, when he and Hugh launched a humorous show called "The Fry and Laurie Show." After this, followed by the series "Jeeves and Worcester", which brought not only the love of the audience, but also the first awards.

In general, the actor's work of Stephen impresses with its diversity. It can be seen not only in serials, but also in sensational tapes: "Alice in Wonderland", "Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Shadows", "The Thunderbolt" and many others. In addition, Fry tried himself in writing. Stephen published such works as "Moab - my wash bowl", "Liar", "How to create a story" and many others. As for the personal life of the famous actor, Stephen has long confessed his homosexuality and belonging to the LGBT community. Now Fry is already 3 years married to a young actor Elliott Spencer, who gave him a new faith in life.

Stephen Fry with his wife Elliott Spencer