No monthly causes

Not coming on time menstruation is always a cause for concern in women. Most of the time, excitement is caused by thoughts of pregnancy, but if the test is negative, the reason for the delay in menstruation may become less joyful. Violations in the menstrual cycle in girls and women can vary significantly. About the causes of their causing and the consequences of delays, we will tell in this article.

The reasons for the delay in men in adolescents

The first menstruation in girls appears in adolescence. As the body is still growing and is being reconstructed hormonal, the menstrual cycle is not formed immediately and this process lasts for two years. In this period, delays in menstruation can be up to several months. If there are no pain and extraneous emissions, there is no cause for concern. You should visit a gynecologist in the standard mode - every six months.

The causes of menstruation in women

Among the main reasons why long there are no monthly, besides pregnancy, it is possible to note:


Inflammatory processes in the uterus and diseases that have caused a delay in menstruation are often accompanied by additional symptoms. Typically, women the first days of delay can be confused with the onset of menstruation: they pull the stomach, the ovaries hurt, and there is no bloody discharge. Instead, they may appear in a small amount in the middle of the cycle. All these symptoms are an excuse not to postpone the visit to the doctor, waiting for the onset of menstruation.

Among the serious diseases accompanied by these signs, we can note: inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, ovaries, etc.

Hormonal failures

Violation of the hormonal background of the body automatically leads to malfunctions in his work, including changes in the menstrual cycle. One of the most common disorders is polycystic ovary, caused by an overabundance of male hormones. In this case, women can not become pregnant, due to the lack of ovulation, and may notice a manifestation of external symptoms, for example, the appearance of hair on the chest and on the nasolabial line.

Less pronounced external symptoms hormonal disorders lead to the fact that the endometrium, which exfoliates during menstruation, can not reach the required size. This process can be delayed for a period of up to six months.

Since the outcome of hormonal failures may be infertility, when the first signs appear it is necessary to take tests and adhere to the doctor's recommendations within the treatment. If the disorders are still minor, you can restore the hormonal background by taking appropriate oral contraceptives.

Reception of oral contraceptives

In individual cases, taking oral contraceptives can result in excessive inhibition of the menstrual cycle. If there are no menstrual medications after taking the contraceptive, refer to the doctor who appointed them, in order to replace the drug. Cycle after that it is restored within half a year.


Stress is another possible cause of menstruation. Provoke stress, can any strong feelings, increased physical or mental stress, as well as moving or dramatically changing the way of life.

Deviation of body weight from normal

Too low or overweight in a woman can also lead to changes in the menstrual cycle. To avoid this, women should adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle and not abuse diets.