Lion and Sagittarius - compatibility in love relationships and marriage

Human relationships - a complex issue, full of the smallest nuances and pitfalls. Everyone wants from the first attempt to successfully build communication with others. Help in this can knowledge, under what sign of the zodiac was born a person with whom you want to build relationships. The most interesting situations arise in pairs like Leo and Sagittarius, whose compatibility is possible, but has its pitfalls due to the similarity of the characters of both signs.

Leo and Sagittarius - Compatibility in love relationships

Lions are like the Sun - they shine in the center of the sky, they give rays of their attention to enthusiastic admirers and do not tolerate competitors. Sagittarius are similar to a fire - they are full of heat, warm all around and want to burn freely. The Lion and Sagittarius are so similar that their relationship can be a standard or collapse too quickly.

Compatibility in a pair of Lion-man and Sagittarius-woman . This lady has everything to interest the Lion - independence, the ability to hide interest. What more do you need to surprise and attract someone who is used to fighting off the fans? But there is a certain disadvantage in these relations. Sagittarians are very honest and can dazzle the interlocutor with a harsh statement. Adore flattery and compliments the lion may not like it. If the pair overcomes all the pitfalls, it will be a perfect union, where the partners value each other's freedom.

Compatibility of Sagittarius-men and Leo-women . The man born in December is the soul of the company and in passing, even without noticing that, fascinates all women who are in the vicinity. Lioness - nature jealous and proprietary, would be jealous of a man whom he considers his own and without special reasons. Women-Lions store everything that is associated with their fans, to a very old age. Men's attention they are not deprived and it will madly irritate Sagittarius, who considers himself the only possible center of her life. If the couple does not disperse because of jealousy, the union will be harmonious.

Lion and Sagittarius in Marriage

The question of whether the Sagittarius is suitable for a Leo in marriage does not arise. Both partners love active social life, they gladly accept guests and give visits. They are not stingy and scandals over money spent on entertainment will never arise. The Union of the Lion and Sagittarius can be brilliant in every respect, if the couple does not embrace routine and boredom. To prevent this from happening, they should often make changes and start new projects.

Lion and Sagittarius - compatibility in sex

If the Lion and Sagittarius were in love for their love, everything is fine. They are both passionate lovers, able to please a partner and caring not only for their pleasure. The love of both signs to the novelty will make their intimate relationships versatile and interesting. If for a lion this is just another adventure - he can be too selfish partner.

Leo and Sagittarius - compatibility in friendship

What are the characteristics of Leo and Sagittarius as friends? They are so similar that they can only be friends or enemies. Leo and Sagittarius in friendship are open, noble, generous and always ready to help. Especially if this help is noticed and dignified (it concerns Leo in the main), but friendly jealousy can arise. Especially strong it can be provoked by the ability of Sagittarius to have people and the readiness of each of his new acquaintances to consider a good friend.

Leo and Sagittarius - work

If the Lion and Sagittarius encountered one workplace, their compatibility will be determined by the one who manages them.

  1. Lion-Head and Sagittarius-subordinate . If they can find a common language, and Lev does not become self-indulgent, the joint work of this pair will be very productive. Everything can ruin the truthfulness of Sagittarius and his sense of humor for the Lions love flattery and do not like to be laughed at.
  2. Leo-subordinate and Sagittarius-chief . If Sagittarius can demonstrate to Lion that his work is respected, there will be no problems. In other cases, the subordinate will feel uncomfortable, which will affect the quality of the work.
  3. Leo and Sagittarius - a couple of colleagues - it's likely competitors. They will try to put forward a more creative idea, accomplish the task better. Work from this will only benefit.