Leonardo DiCaprio returned an illegal "Oscar"

Leonardo DiCaprio was forced to return the gold statuette of the American Film Academy. However, we hurry to reassure fans of the talent of the famous actor. This is not about the "Oscar" for his role in the "Survivor", but about the prize of Marlon Brando for the painting "In the Port", received in 1955.

Loud scandal

In 2016, US law enforcement agencies launched an investigation into the theft of assets of the state investment fund of Malaysia, which was sponsored by the US government. There were suspicions that the film "Wolf with Wall Street," whose budget was $ 100 million, where Leonardo DiCaprio, produced by Red Granite Pictures, was played, was shot for this money.

During the proceedings it became clear that the producers of the picture in 2012 gave the actor, who at that time did not have his Oscar, a statue that belonged to Marlon Brando, as a consolation prize.

Marlon Brando in 1955 with "Oscar" for the film "In the Port"
Leonardo DiCaprio in 2016 with "Oscar" for the film "Survivor"

Cooperation with the investigation

42-year-old DiCaprio has repeatedly hinted that it's time to return not his reward, but he stubbornly refused to do it. Obviously, realizing that he smelled roast, Leonardo voluntarily handed over someone else's "Oscar" to the police, as well as other values ​​donated to him by Red Granite Pictures, Western media reported.

This information has already confirmed the representative of the actor, saying that Mr. DiCaprio himself initiated the return of objects.

Read also

Let's add, about chronic bad luck Leo, who was nominated five times for the Oscar, but did not receive it, there were legends. In 2016, the actor finally received a prestigious prize for playing in the film Alejandro Inyarritu "Survivor".

Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Survivor"