La Paz Waterfalls

The loud and mighty waterfalls of La Paz are located on the slopes of the Poas volcano, located in the homonymous national park . These amazing pearls of nature in Costa Rica attract a huge number of spectators and fascinate with their beauty. They are hidden between the thick and lush forest in the reserve, so they seem so wild and distant from civilization. However, anyone can look at the waterfalls of La Paz. What you expect during the tour of these places, we will tell in this article.

Walking near waterfalls

Waterfalls have long been a favorite place for tourists. Along them are trails, the total length of which is three kilometers. For fans of extreme sports there are also complex mountain routes that beginners can climb through. For inexperienced travelers, there is an option not only to walk along footpaths, but even on horseback.

The La Paz waterfalls in Costa Rica have become a favorite habitat for birds, insects and animals. Near them there are amazing representatives of the flora, on which hummingbirds and toucans nest. Some birds are not at all afraid of visitors and can fly very close to a delicacy. Here you can also visit the Butterfly Research Center. It not only bred beautiful representatives of insects, but also put up for sale. Inside you will be allowed to touch some species, and the butterflies themselves can afford to sit on you. Walking further, you can visit the serpentarium. It contains the most frightening representatives of the species of poisonous snakes. You can admire them through a special protective glass.

A big and spectacular waterfall in the complex is the "White Magic". He is the tallest of the five, and also quite full. Around him there is always high humidity and very noisy. The size is not particularly inferior and other waterfalls of La Paz, which were nicknamed "Enchanted", "Hidden" and "Temple". They are not so majestic as the first, but they look amazing.

How to get there?

The waterfalls of La Paz are located in the homonymous reserve near San Jose and Alajuela . You can drive to the park on a sightseeing or public bus, spending an hour on the road. If you are traveling by private car, then take the road along Route 126, which connects the cities of Heredia and San Miguel.