John Voight in his youth

American actor John Voight is one of the most famous people in the world who at the age of 77 years is a lot of films and actively works in the field of direction. In his youth, John Voight appeared in the role of himself in various TV shows or TV shows, but began acting only after graduating from New York University and studying at the acting school. Over the years, he has already starred in 86 films and does not intend to stop yet.

John Wojth's biography is a story of rapid actor's growth, several marriages, many novels on the side and, of course, the glory of the great master of cinema. Since 14 years, when he played in the TV series "Today" himself, John constantly appears on the screen of cinemas and performs on Broadway. Over the years of a successful career, John Voight tried himself in all roles. However, the favorite genres of cinema have remained to this day: drama, thriller and thriller.

Personal life

Young John Voight attracted many women with his charisma and charm. He was very sociable and liberated. And today, close associates note these qualities as the main and favorite. For the first time the actor married in 24 years - his darling was a dancer and actress Lily Peters. However, the marriage lasted only five. Although the second marriage with the actress Marcelin Bertrand did not become long. Despite the appearance of two children, the couple divorced in seven years. Their daughter, Angelina Jolie, later accused her father of divorcing her mother, reproaching her for constant betrayal.

John Wojth's relationship with a famous daughter can not be called simple. Relatives constantly quarrel and can not forgive each other's past grievances. Despite this, they together participated in the popular and vivid picture "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", which became widely known throughout the world. However, this only exacerbated the situation - John and Angelina stopped talking at all. Until 2009, the actor tried to establish relations with his daughter, but she did not admit him.

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