Growth of Hollywood handsome Jeremy Renner

Often fans of celebrities are interested not only in creativity, personal life, but also with parameters such as height and weight. Looking at the stars through the prism of the blue screens, I really want at least a moment to imagine how they look in real life. Today Jeremy Renner got under the gaze of admirers.

What is the height and weight of Jeremy Renner?

Many celebrities tend to hide the true figures of their height and weight, considering themselves too tall or low, full or thin. Therefore, the data from different sources can differ from each other.

Men always want to seem taller, more manly, and often resort to some tricks. Actors of short stature, including Jeremy Renner, use special insoles and soles in shoes that add between 5 and 8 cm. Agree - this is a brilliant decision!

According to official figures, Jeremy Renner's height is 178 cm and weight is 80 kg. But is it really so? Analyzing some photos on which the actor is imprinted with other celebrities, we can conclude that these data are slightly overstated. Here, for example, in the frame with Scarlett Johansson, whose height is only 160 cm, it is clearly seen that Renner is slightly higher than the actress, even if we take into account her shoes on his heel. In another picture, Tom Cruise appears below Jeremy only a few centimeters, and the height of the first is 170 cm. Very stately and manfully Renner looks on the photo with Eva Longoria, but given that it is miniature - it's not difficult.

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Undoubted is the only fact - the pictures are extremely difficult to determine the true parameters of celebrities. After all, here the role is played also by shoes, and foreshortening, and lighting. Nevertheless, the doubt that the growth of Jeremy Renner corresponds to the declared 178 cm, is still present.