Feminists have opposed the Hollywood standards of beauty and shaved armpits Wonder women!

Radical feminism militantly attacks the Hollywood standards of beauty. Another stumbling block was the new film "Miracle Woman" and the idealized image of the militant Amazon. For the first time appearing in American comic books, the super-girl became not only the personification of female power, but also a role model for many young feminists. What caused discontent among feminists?

In the Hollywood film "Miracle Woman", the fearless Gal Gadot not only selflessly performed all the tricks and participated in staging fights, but also carefully looked after her appearance! The actress, like a true woman, oh horror, shaved her armpits! It is this fact that has caused a wave of indignation among the ardent feminists.

"Naturalness" is above all!

Girls rushed to write angry posts on social networks and wonder how Wonder Woman allowed herself to appear on the screen with shaved armpits? In some plots it is obvious that they resorted to computer processing and retouching of this zone. According to the plot, it is assumed that the Amazon has not been in contact with people so much as to be aware of patriarchal traditions and standards of beauty, and therefore should have appeared to the public as naturally as possible.

Gal Gadot is hard to blame for effeminacy, the girl has served in the Israeli army and knows firsthand what a real military woman looks like, but this did not save her from accusations of supporting the Hollywood standards of beauty.

In the camp of feminists opinions are divided!

Few people know, but the movement of feminism is very heterogeneous, so it is not surprising that not all supported the attacks on the actress and filmmakers Michelle McClaren and Patty Jenkins. Kirsty Baines, a blogger and ardent adherent of feminism and body-painting, allowed herself to comment on the trailer's plot and the scandal surrounding the image of the Wonder Woman:

I am glad that the film industry on the creation of blockbusters touched upon the theme of a strong-willed, strong and independent woman. But I have to admit that I was very disappointed with the fact of retouching the armpits of the main heroine. Definitely - this is a step back and all the achievements of feminism in the film industry are reduced to zero. I understand and accept the desire of every girl to be beautiful and attractive - this is natural, but we are again and again adjusted to the generally accepted standard of beauty. What conclusion can we draw from such a trifle as the shaved armpits of the Amazon? No matter how strong you are, smart and depends on you the salvation of others, if the girl has unaesthetic hair under her armpits or she is full, or something is wrong with the body and face, then her heroism will remain unseen by others! Do not get me wrong, the hair on the human body is natural, but a woman can only have them on her head or disgrace and obsessive desire to destroy them! How much can you live with this feeling of shame? When will we start showing a woman's natural beautiful body, without fear of condemnation and ridicule? It's high time to accept yourself and your body!
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The blogger tried without any accusations and insults to convey the message of feminists, but not all agreed with her. Many girls found the problem far-fetched, instead of discussing the personality of the heroine and the blockbuster plot, ardent feminists rushed to discuss and criticize the body, thereby violating their own principles! The main message of the feminist movement is the acceptance by society of personal standards of beauty and respect for the individual, outside the rigid criticism of the body and face. Accusing the actress Gal Gadot and directors, many feminists have shown themselves to be hypocritical, according to the girls in social networks.

While social shaken from mutual accusations, users exchanged created memes on the topic of armpits Wonder Woman!

Comic meme filled social networks