Egyptian cat

Egyptian cat mau went through a long natural selection, so her appearance has not changed for three thousand years. It is this age that the oldest "portraits" of cats are dated.

The history of the Egyptian cats of the Mau is rich and interesting, the pharaoh could have envied her, although there is, perhaps, he had no right to it. In the distant past of Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, it personified the goddess of the moon, fertility and hearth Bast. This goddess, and with her and her faithful servants on earth (cats), was dedicated to many temples throughout Egypt. If the house burned, the cat was born even before the children. If the cat died in the family, the owner shaved his eyebrows in a sign of his sorrow. The unhappy man, who killed the cat even without intent, was hammered by a mob to death with stones. Perhaps, in those days to be born an Egyptian cat mau was a much better fate than to be born human. After death, the cat along with the pharaohs mummified and buried with the greatest honors.

Breed description

A distinctive feature that determines the purity of the breed of cat mau is the pattern in the form of "M" just above the eyes and the mandatory "W", which should be on par with the ears. Another mandatory feature of divine cats is a kind of makeup in the form of two lines passing just below the eyes and further along the cheekbones. Ancient Egyptian cats have survived to the present day in the same colors that were worn even thousands of years earlier.

The breed of Mau cats of silver color is characterized by a light gray or gray tone, a dark gray or black pattern on the muzzle, pinkish-gray ears dark on the tips. On the throat, near the chin and around the eyes, the color is white. The bronze breed of cats Egyptian Mau differs dark brown color of the back, which turns into ivory color closer to the tummy. The figure on the face is dark brown. Ears are pinkish brown with almost black tips. The color of the nostrils, chin, throat and eye rims is creamy. Smoky Mau is dark gray or almost black with a color of silver undercoat. All the patterns on the muzzle are black with a silvery contrast. Species Egyptian black cat and marble mau are born very rarely. This color is considered "wild" and does not divorce.

Which names are best for Egyptian cats? The most suitable are the names of pharaohs and ancient Egyptian gods. And the pharaohs themselves, in fact, will not be against, the animal is sacred. You can read the legends of Egypt, in many of them there are Egyptian cats, so it's worth borrowing their names for their pets.

Caring for an Egyptian cat

Cats mau unpretentious in the care, willingly bathe and very fond of when they scratch their fur, it is not worth the trouble with this breed. The character itself can be considered good, the Egyptian cats are very sociable, the Mau do not tolerate loneliness. They are pretty intrusive, they demand from the owners constant attention to their person, as they recall with their melodic voice. Mau is one of the the fastest cats, she can run at a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour. They have excellent hearing and sight, which makes them wonderful hunters. Mau should always be in the spotlight and be aware of everything that happens in their home. They adore sitting or lying on their knees, and also sitting on their master's shoulders. This breed is very fond of water. If you open the tap, the cat will immediately try to catch the jet with the paw. They really like to sit and watch, as the host takes a bath. This breed is very clean, which will bring a lot of joy to its owner. Choosing a pet for this breed, you will not have to be bored alone, the Mau will not allow this.