
Modern cosmetic companies offer a wide range of ways and means to remove unwanted hair on any part of the body. Thanks to this, every woman can make depilation at home, without extra costs. Of course, all methods of depilation have their advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered before the procedure. Similarly, many women do not know what distinguishes depilation depilation, which makes it difficult to choose the right remedy. But when it comes to beauty, it's better not to rush to test all the ways on your body, but carefully weigh the positive and negative sides of each method.

Epilation or depilation?

Epilation destroys the hair follicles, which leads to the removal of unwanted hair and slowing their growth for a long time. The procedure of epilation is carried out in the salons, and the quality of the result depends largely on the professionalism of the master. Depilation removes hair without damaging the hair follicles, and, therefore, the depilation period is much less. But the advantage of depilation is the possibility of self-hair removal, which, of course, significantly differs in costs. Home depilation also has its drawbacks, since in the absence of experience, it can damage the skin, and an unsuitable product can cause irritation or an allergic reaction. Therefore, choosing this method, you need to know how to make depilation at home correctly, what methods and means are best for different parts of the body.

Methods of depilation


Shaving is the most famous and simple way to remove hair. The advantages of shaving include accessibility and the absence of special costs. But the very next day after shaving the skin ceases to be smooth and silky, and in some cases there is the appearance of a prickly bristle that causes irritation. Therefore, the procedure has to be performed quite often, which is undoubtedly a minus of this type of depilation, especially if it concerns tender skin in the bikini area. Also, hair removal with a razor is not safe, because any careless movement can injure the skin, and lead to the ingress of bacteria and the formation of a rash. Shaving is absolutely not suitable for sensitive skin, prone to irritation.

Depilation with cream

Depilatory cream is one of the most painless ways to remove unwanted hair, which combines both ease of use, and the duration of the effect (3 to 5 days). Choose only a quality cream, suitable for the desired zone. Before you do depilation cream, you need to carefully study the instruction, the way of application and contraindications. The ideal cream for depilation bikini at home. Unlike shaving, after a cream hair does not grow a rigid bristle, and become more soft and thin. The disadvantage is the possibility of allergic reactions to the chemical components of the cream, so it is recommended to check individual tolerability in a small area of ​​the body. After using the cream, you can apply a tool to slow down hair growth. But in order to avoid the interaction of various chemicals, you should use the funds of one firm, designed for comprehensive care.

Waxing at home

Wax depilation allows you to remove hair for 1.5-2 weeks, but depending on the sensitivity of the skin, it can be quite painful procedure. There is a method of cold and hot wax depilation. With hot depilation, the pores of the skin open, which facilitates hair removal, but care must be taken not to burn the skin. For intimate depilation waxing the house will require some preparation, the first time it is better to conduct this procedure in the salon. Before using wax for depilation, you need to make sure there are no contraindications for this method of hair removal. Wax depilation is prohibited for varicose veins, skin diseases, diabetes, neoplasms on the skin.

How to do depilation with wax at home?

On a clean skin, you need to apply a special powder that does not contain talc. Wax heats up to the required temperature specified in the instructions, and along the hair growth line is evenly distributed on the skin area. A strip of tissue is applied from above for depilation, and it is carefully smoothed out. After a few minutes, when the wax solidifies, the strip is removed by a rapid movement in the direction opposite to the growth of the hair. The cleaned area should be pressed by hand and treated with depilatory. Remains of wax are removed with oil for the body. Before you do an intimate wax depilation at home, you should try the wax on a less sensitive area of ​​the skin.

Any method of depilation means complex skin care, including cleansing and moisturizing. The result of hair removal depends only on careful preparation for the procedure, choosing the right method and observing the recommendations for skin care.