Something, and Christmas is celebrated by Europeans in a big way and with special enthusiasm. Approximately the same as we meet a beloved absolutely everyone New Year. Traditionally, Christmas on the continent is more popular than the arrival of the new year. This holiday is full of joy, warmth and sensation of a fairy tale among Europeans, in general, the atmosphere is magical and contagious. Well, will not put it off and introduce you to the traditions of Christmas in Europe.
When do they celebrate Christmas in Europe?
It is known that Christmas is a religious holiday, this is the day of Jesus Christ's birth. The greater part of the population of Europe are adherents of Catholicism, one of the branches of Christianity. All the holidays of Catholics are celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar (unlike Orthodoxy, where the Julian calendar is used). Therefore, the date of Christmas in Europe falls on the night of December 24 to December 25, and not from January 6 to January 7, as in countries where Orthodoxy is considered the main religion.
Traditions of Catholic Christmas in Europe
In general, it can be said that many customs of celebrating this bright day are common to all countries of the continent. However, each state has its own, special traditions.
Common to all Europeans is the decoration of the house with an elegant Christmas tree with toys, garlands and candles . Some townsfolk have a tree branch or a wreath on the door, a wall, a fireplace.
At Christmas, it is common to give gifts to each other, to children - to boots or socks hanging from Christmas trees. And there is a legend that presents a fairy-tale hero Santa Claus (Babbo Natale in Italy, Nikolaus in Germany , Juleniss in Sweden, Papa Noel in Spain, Syanialis Saltis in Lithuania), which comes from Lapland on a sleigh drawn by deer.
Usually on the evening of December 26 the whole family meets at the same table, eating traditional Christmas dishes: turkey, pork, chicken or goose, baked or fried, Christmas cake, ginger biscuit and gingerbread house.
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Greetings cards are sent to all friends, relatives, friends, colleagues. Cities and villages are decorated with a scene from three-dimensional figures depicting a nursery, the Infant Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.
At midnight, mass is held in all Catholic churches.
Christmas Holidays in Europe
Sure, it's better to see once than hear a hundred times (or read). You can feel the unique atmosphere of the festival by yourself, going to Europe on the eve of Christmas.
The options for an unforgettable Christmas celebration in Europe in 2015 are many. Very interesting at this time in Germany . Besides familiarity with customs, you will have a chance to spend money and have fun at the famous Christmas fairs in Berlin, Cologne or Nuremberg.
You can combine active rest with a Christmas dinner in a cozy chalet at the ski resorts of the Alps . This trip is recommended for both family and fun companies.
In search of an unusual book a tour to the tourist area in Finland - Rovaniemi, better known as Lapland, the birthplace of the main hero of Christmas - Santa Claus. Here you can write a letter to the Finnish Santa Claus, visit his residence, visit the Ice Park and take part in the merry folk festivities.
Enjoy the beauty and warmth in the Christmas night of 2015 in the Hungarian capital Budapest . A trip to one of the most charming cities in Europe - this is an event, and if it is for Christmas, unforgettable impressions can not be avoided.
Poland is a great option for those who would like to imbibe Christmas traditions with customs, but do not spend a lot of money. By the way, the taste of traditional dishes at a festive dinner can be combined with a survey of stunning sights.