Adrenal adrenal gland in women - symptoms and treatment

Hormonal balance in the body is regulated by several organs, one of them are the adrenal glands. They are responsible for the production of glucocorticoids, adrenaline and noradrenaline, mineralocorticoids, estrogens and androgens. Therefore, it is important to immediately take therapeutic measures if adrenal adenoma is detected in women - the symptoms and treatment of this benign tumor depend on its size and activity, propensity to progress and growth.

Symptoms of adrenal adrenal gland in women

As a rule, described neoplasms have small dimensions, respectively, do not compress surrounding tissues, nerve structures and blood vessels. Therefore, the expressed clinical manifestations with adrenal adrenal glands, especially inactive in the hormonal plan, almost never arises. Tumors are detected accidentally, with computer or magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound or similar studies designated for other reasons.

Large and hormonal active neoplasms can be accompanied by a variety of specific signs in women:

Treatment of adenoma of the right or left adrenal gland in women

The most common are small and hormoneally inactive benign tumors that require no therapy. Such neoplasms are subject to regular observation, the systematic implementation of surveys to control their size.

Adenomas, exceeding 4 cm in diameter and actively producing any kind of hormones, must be removed. Today, 2 types of surgical interventions are used:

  1. Laparoscopy. A minimally invasive procedure, involving a short period of stay of the patient in the clinic's hospital, up to 6 days. Further restoration and healing of the joints also occurs quite quickly. Laparoscopy is used if the adenoma is located only on one side, has small dimensions.
  2. A hollow operation. This method is used in the case of bilateral adrenal lesions with large neoplasms. The surgical procedure is traumatic, therefore in the future the patient needs a long rehabilitation.

After the successful removal of the adenoma, hormonal treatment is performed to ensure the restoration of the endocrine balance. In severe cases and the presence of tumors in neighboring organs, a short course of radiation and chemotherapy is prescribed.

Diet with adrenal adrenal gland in women

A special diet for the disease in question is not required. In the preoperative period and after surgery, the doctor may recommend temporarily excluding from the menu:

Prognosis with adrenal adrenal gland in women

Correctly performed surgery and subsequent treatment excludes relapses of pathology and any negative consequences. Therefore, the predictions for the described lesions in women are very favorable.