Yellow plum

A special subspecies of plum - mirabel - is small in size. It arose as a result of a natural crossing of the plum with the domestic plum. Even the name has an interesting origin: from the French language, the first part of the name "world" is translated as "a round sight fly", which implies, first of all, the compact size of the fruit.

The color of the mirabel is different, we'll tell you about such a subspecies as the plum yellow.

Description of the yellow plum

Of course, the described group of varieties, like the whole mirabel, has common characteristics. Firstly, it is a small fruit size. In diameter, they hardly exceed 2-3 cm in diameter. Naturally, it is impossible to find among the representatives of the described group a variety of yellow large-fruited plum.

Despite this, there are many lovers of sweet or sour-sweet taste of plums with a dense golden-yellow skin, beneath which is the most delicate, almost honeyed flesh. Usually, the bone of yellow mirabel is easily separated from the juicy pulp. The shape of the fruit is often round, less often round-oblong.

The trees themselves, although they do not have a large height (up to 5-7 m), have a spreading and spherical crown. Leaves are similar in shape to plum, but only smaller in size.

The yellow plum is one of the business cards of the region in France - Lorraine. Here, this mirage is used not only in its raw form, but also for the preparation of jam and jam, as well as a world-famous pie with mirabella .

Among the popular varieties of plum yellow, related to the miracle, it is worth mentioning "September", "Bona", "Malaya", "Bolshaya".

Yellow plum - landing

Any care for the tree begins with planting. This is also true of mirabile. For the yellow plum, which is a heat-loving representative of the flora, choose the southern or south-western parts of the garden, perfectly warmed by direct sunlight. If we talk about the quality of the earth, then both black earth and gray soils are suitable for mirabell, the main thing is that there was no stagnation of moisture in them.

The plot for planting the yellow plum is prepared in advance, preferably two weeks. It is necessary to dig it and fertilize it at the same time. As fertilizers, humic and mineral fertilizers are also excellent. Then they prepare the landing pit. Its optimum dimensions are about 70 cm in diameter and depth is up to 50 cm. A humus bucket and up to 50-70 g of wood ash are placed on the bottom of the pit. If the problem with organic fertilizers, it is easy to solve by adding mineral: the earth is mixed with 100 g of potassium and 200 g of phosphate fertilizers. When planting, make sure that the root neck is 3-4 cm above the ground.

When digging in the roots, prataptyvayte soil. After planting, pour the seedling and cover it. The next watering of the mirabel is carried out in a half to two weeks.

Yellow plum - care

An important aspect in the cultivation of mirabel is timely watering. It is carried out every two to three weeks in ordinary weather and a little more often in hot heat.

Top dressing is mandatory if you want to get a stable harvest of delicious mirabel. The first is carried out when planting the seedling, the second - for the third year of tree growth. In spring, after trimming, you need to distribute 2/3 buckets of humus in the barrel circle. The soil is neat and shallow. A small glass of ashes will not hurt.

No less important for plum yellow sweet pruning. In the first years, forming pruning is carried out to form a beautiful crown and the required number of branches. After five to six years, it is recommended to truncate the central part of the barrel of the mirabel in order to transfer growth to the side branches. The procedure is always carried out in the early spring, before the buds are dissolved. To prevent diseases and pests, the yellow plum is sprayed with biopreparations or fungicides before flowering.

If we talk about the year in which the plum is yellow-bearing, on average this period begins in the fifth year of the growth of the seedling.