Thrush in the mouth of the baby

Thrush in the baby in the mouth is a common disease. This particular form of candidiasis is most typical for children under the age of one year. Signs of the disease develop with an imbalance in the microflora of the oral mucosa, with excessive growth of the fungus from the genus Candida.


The causative agent of candidiasis refers to opportunistic microorganisms, so the presence of predisposing factors is necessary for the manifestation of the disease and the appearance of clinical symptoms. The causes of thrush in the mouth of the baby can be the following:

  1. Prematurity and developmental abnormalities. In this case, the organs and systems are not capable of fully resisting the pathogen.
  2. Artificial feeding . It is known that breast milk contains a large number of immunoglobulins and other protective factors. Accordingly, when feeding with mixtures, the baby loses useful substances and becomes more vulnerable to the negative effects of various environmental factors. Another disadvantage of the mixtures is the presence of an elevated sugar level. And this is a good breeding ground for the fungus.
  3. Condition after surgery. Any surgical intervention is considered stress for all body systems. In addition, the appointment of antibiotics is often required in the postoperative period, which significantly disturbs the composition of the microflora.
  4. Vitamin deficiency.
  5. Disorders of metabolic processes and diseases of the endocrine glands.
  6. Injury of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. This creates a gate for the introduction of fungus.
  7. Infection from the mother during passage through the birth canal in case she has Candida vulvovaginitis during pregnancy.
  8. Contact with infected medical equipment and household items (pacifiers, bottles, toys and others).

Clinical manifestations

In order to start treatment in time, it is necessary to know what the thrush of the baby in the mouth looks like, and what are its main signs. So, first of all, with a thrush in the baby, a characteristic uneven white patch is formed on the tongue in the form of spots or plaques. In structure it resembles cheesy masses, it is easily removed, in more severe cases it leaves areas of reddening or erosion. In connection with such changes, eating becomes painful, the child refuses to suckle. The baby is restless and irritable. Also, the pathological process can spread to the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, and palate.

Therapeutic tactics

Now let's see how and how to treat thrush in the mouth of the baby and not hurt at the same time. At the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to irrigate the affected areas with a solution of soda. Lubricate the altered mucous membrane with a solution of methylene blue or Lugol's solution. With a more serious course without antifungal drugs can not do. It is more convenient to topically apply a suspension of Pimafucine, Nystatin or Levorin. For best results, alternate rinsing with soda and antifungal agents. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, because if you stop the therapy ahead of time, then the relapse will not make you wait long.

Of the methods of traditional medicine, the symptoms are well eliminated and the mouth cavity is decontaminated with broths and infusions of chamomile and sage. To accelerate the healing of microtraumas, erosions and ulceration, the affected areas are treated with sea buckthorn oil.

The main thing to remember is that the treatment of thrush in the baby in the mouth is the task of the doctor. Therefore, do not get involved in self-medication. In addition, this disease can mask more serious conditions.