Russian Beauty salad

Mankind knows a great many recipes for salads, and many more salads can be invented. On the occasion of the holiday, I want to cook not only tasty and hearty salads, but also those that will be especially effective and attractive on the festive table. This is exactly what the Russian Beauty salad will look like, of course, if it is cooked correctly (not that it is too difficult, but some diligence is still required for this).

Tell you how to prepare a salad "Russian Beauty".

The main idea of ​​preparing this dish is to lay out layers-build ingredients in the form of a national Russian female headdress - kokoshnika. Of course, in the construction of layers of lettuce should take into account the taste compatibility of products.

"Russian Beauty" - recipe for puffed salad with ham and chicken



First, cut the white part of the stem of the leek with thin slices and gently fold them into a tall narrow cup or glass. We will marinate onions in a mixture of hot boiled water with lemon juice (1: 1 + 1 tsp sugar). We take 20 minutes, at least, then we drain the liquid.

Put in a saucepan chicken fillet whole piece or two pieces (cook as usual: with spices and onions, then use soup for soup).

Chicken eggs cook hard-boiled, cleaned and chopped finely. Ham and sweet pepper cut into strips, cucumbers - round or oval slices, olives - circles. When chicken meat was cooked and slightly cooled, cut it finely across the fibers. We spread the salad "Russian Beauty" on the dish in layers in the form of a lying kokoshnika. First layer - circles of leeks, cover with mayonnaise. The next layer is a ham, greased with mayonnaise. Further - slices of cucumbers, mayonnaise, on top - chicken meat, mayonnaise, of course. Next - sweet pepper, mayonnaise. In the construction of layers of salad, you can use fresh and ripe tomatoes, the main thing is that they are not watery, cut into thin slices and inserted in a separate layer. The last layer on top of the last putty of mayonnaise is grated cheese. We decorate "kokoshnik" with mayonnaise, greens, circles of olives, slices of red sweet pepper, berries. Fantasize more boldly. Here, the salad looks quite impressive, you can serve it with almost any strong unsweetened drinks, vodka, wine, brandy, juices, compotes.

It is not necessary to use chicken boiled meat in this salad, it will be perfectly replaced by boiled turkey or tongues (beef, pork), with such delicate ingredients this dish will turn out to be particularly refined.

"Russian beauty" with potatoes and mushrooms

To make a salad "Russian Beauty" more satisfying, prepare it with potatoes and mushrooms.


In addition, a gram of 200 fresh mushrooms (champignons, for example, or veshenok), one onion and five medium-sized potatoes (the potatoes are better not so friable) will be required.


We boil the potatoes and three on a large grater. Onions and mushrooms are cut not too finely and lightly fried in oil in a frying pan. Mix it all and add it as a separate layer in a salad, for example between ham and cucumbers.

Alternatively, potatoes with onions and mushrooms can be replaced with boiled rice mixed with steamed dried fruits ( prunes without pips , of course). You can also include in the salad a layer of slices of bananas and kiwi. In this version, the salad "Russian Beauty" turns out to be especially spicy.