Removal of the boil

In the late stages of development of the abscess, its intensive increase and progression, the formation of a dense inner core, medication is ineffective. In such cases, removal of the furuncle, which is performed by an experienced surgeon, is appointed. This operation is minimally invasive and almost painless, allows you to quickly clear the infected cavities and prevent dangerous consequences of the inflammatory process.

Surgical removal of the furuncle

Classical intervention occurs in stages:

The whole operation takes no more than half an hour.

After a surgical procedure, you will need to visit your doctor regularly to change your dressings. With proper care of the wound and adherence to the recommendations of a specialist, healing takes place quickly, about 10-15 days.

Removal of the boil by laser

This method of getting rid of abscesses is more modern and safe.

Laser removal of inflammatory elements does not require the use of a scalpel and has a number of indisputable advantages:

The described technology allows you to get rid of the boil in just 1 session, without the need for drains and re-bandages in the surgeon's office. All rehabilitation measures can be carried out independently, and a small wound heals within a week without the formation of scars.

Removal of the boil with a bottle and other "artisanal" methods

There are several techniques for autopsy of the abscess - extrusion, warming, applying a thick-walled can or bottles with warm air, and others. Such methods of getting rid of a boil are not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Pus from the cavity of the inflammatory element, together with bacteria, can quickly penetrate into the blood, which will provoke its infection (sepsis). Such experiments, at best, will be crowned with chronic furunculosis , and at worst - fatal.