Positions for Selfie

Selfish can not be called a photo art , it does not take popularity to this type of entertainment. Unfortunately, poses for a photo shoot in the style of selfie are quite limited. This is due to the fact that you can make self only in front of a mirror surface or with the help of an outstretched arm. The same type of pictures of girls with jagged dots look rather boring. If there is a goal to fill your account with quality and interesting photos, it is worthwhile to learn the best poses for selfi and some shooting rules.

Attention, shooting!

When shooting self without mirrors on an outstretched hand in the frame, you usually see only the face and chest. It is logical that the poses for selfie girls should be selected so that the eyes look expressive, and the shape of the breast is not distorted. To do this, the head should be slightly tilted to look into the camera not straight, but at an angle. The back should be even, and the chin slightly elevated (do not want to see a wrinkle around your neck?). Pictures taken in full face are very rarely successful, as the camera increases the nose. Avoid this effect if you place the camera not in front of your face, but over your head. In addition, this approach allows you to create interesting poses for Selfie, because in the frame you will see not only the face, but also the surrounding situation.

Girls like to photograph themselves in the company of girlfriends. Shooting with an outstretched hand is not suitable for this purpose, since it is not so easy to fit in a frame without cropping two faces. The best solution will be a mirror surface. Positions for selfie with a girlfriend or girlfriends in front of a mirror can be anything! Jump up, twirl funny grimaces, smile, hug each other, enjoy sipping the cocktail through the straw! The main thing is that in the frame you look as natural as possible. Funny poses for Selfie always look more successful than staged with strained smiles and fake emotions. You can experiment with several mirrors. The doubled and even tripled image looks original.

The lovers of Selfie, periodically enjoying the subscribers of their pages with beautiful pictures, use a simple technique. Experimenting the houses in front of the mirror, they learn the most profitable pose, and then slightly modify it. Not a bad option!

Little tricks

Even the most beautiful poses for Selfie will not be appreciated by viewers unless you have taken care of the proper lighting. Light can also emphasize the beauty of the skin, the shine of hair, skillfully executed makeup, and finally spoil the impression. In a dark room, the selphi are blurred, granular, and a shadow will be visible on the face that does not add beauty. The most successful poses for selfie suggest good direct lighting. The best option is sunlight, which drops the model on the face.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of makeup. Even if there is a desire to look as natural as possible, the gloss on the lips and a thin layer of mascara on the eyelashes will not hurt. Favorably on the Selfie looks bright red, tender pink and purple lipstick. From the dark circles under the eyes will save the highlighter. Hair is best collected in the tail or bundle, so that they do not cover the face, unless, of course, some mystery and mystery is not part of the idea.

Fantasize with poses, change the situation, have fun, and then the selfi is guaranteed to get more than one hundred "likes"!