Popular signs about birds

There are many people's perceptions associated with animals and birds, as well as their behavior. After all, these creatures all the time live side by side with people and according to beliefs are harbingers of various events. There are a lot of people about birds, but all of them can be divided into those that promise joy and happiness, and those that foreshadow a series of illnesses and sorrows. As a rule, if the plumage of a bird is not black, it is worth waiting for positive events. Although, of course, there are exceptions, for example, it is believed that seagulls bring happiness only in the sea, and on the ground, on the contrary promise failures and illnesses.

Signs and superstitions about birds

Most of these signs are associated with crows, gulls and thrushes. So it is believed that if a crow is swimming in the courtyard of the house, one should expect material problems and quarrels . Two thrushes who flew to the porch foreshadow the death of a loved one or a friend, exactly, like three seagulls, sitting on the roof of the house.

Also, poultry will predict trouble, for example, if chickens cackle at the roost, a quarrel will occur in the family, which will bring many disappointments and grief. And the cock that sang in the middle of the night predicted sickness and hunger.

But, not all predictions are so sad and horrible. The sign about the bird in the house, on the contrary, has many positive interpretations. Arrived forty or brought news of the imminent visit of long-awaited guests, or promises recovery to a sick person.

A stork who lives next to human habitation will bring happiness and prosperity, and also predicts the appearance of children if they are not in the family or if the couple wants to have another child. Owl's cry, strangely enough, also means that the family will soon be adding.

Signs about birds flying into the house

If the titmouse has flown into the apartment, then it is worth waiting for the news, exactly, as if it beats into the window glass. The news can be both joyful and sad. Only the flying pigeon promises only happiness , and even if its plumage is completely white. But this is a popular belief.

But to find a bird and bring it home is a little-known sign, but important. It is believed that by helping wounded birds, a person provides himself with the favor of higher powers who will help him in various matters.

That's why you can not kill birds. Our ancestors believed that birds are messengers from the world of the dead, therefore, a man who offends a little bastard or a sparrow will bring trouble on himself.