Laying of tiles in the bathroom

Finishing bathrooms tiled today is the most popular type of interior design. The installation of tiles in the bathroom has gained popularity due to the quality of the coating:

Against the background of other types of finishing materials, the masonry of tiles in the bathroom may seem quite expensive. But having spent money on finishing once, you will forget about problems for a long time. For example, tiles are very good at dealing with high humidity of the room, it is easy to wash, it is not afraid of detergents or other chemicals. The most important thing is that walls and floors with tiles always look expensive and beautiful.

Laying tiles in the bathroom has several disadvantages:

  1. Walls require preliminary careful preparation, especially after wallpaper or paint. The walls should be perfectly cleaned from the previous coat, so trust this process better than the specialist.
  2. Most often enough to level the wall with plaster. It happens that very curved walls have to be leveled using plasterboard. The process is not complex, but time-consuming.
  3. It is very important to carefully work out each seam. The mixture for grouting plays the role of protective coating and decor at the same time.

Before you put tiles in the bathroom, you need to choose it competently. It is preferable to use light shades and a glossy surface for small rooms. A small bath will seem more spacious if you use floor and wall finish in one color scheme. Large ornaments can only be chosen for a spacious restroom, a small space will require a small picture. If you lay the tiles on the floor at an angle, this visually increases the dimensions of the room. Never lay out a dark skirting board in a small bathroom.

How to put tiles in the bathroom?

In this difficult at first glance, the main thing is to start. These tips will help you:

  1. How to lay out the tile in the bathroom, where to start? To begin with, we carefully examine all the walls for an evenness. Be sure to align all corners. For leveling the walls use a special plaster. Downstairs everything is put in order with the help of liquid floors for screed.
  2. Now you need to cover the walls with a special primer. This contributes to better adhesion of the wall to the tile. Then follows the stage of the markup.
  3. Beginning is taken from the floor. Tiles can be laid in three ways: symmetrically, diagonally, with displacement. The first method involves placing the tiles "seam in the seam". For a diagonal arrangement, the tiles are laid out at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the walls. To lay the tile in the bathroom with a displacement, the subsequent tiles are placed lower than the previous one by half the width.
  4. Keep in mind: it does not matter which way you decide to put a tiled bathroom, ideally it is necessary to put the first tile. It will serve as a beacon in the future.
  5. On the back of the tile, a solution is applied pyramidally. Next, the tiles are laid in place and taped with milk. This facilitates installation at the required level.
  6. After laying it is necessary to pass all the seams with a trowel. Instead of grout, you can use a special sealant. It is more moisture resistant.
  7. Then they start laying the tile in the bathroom on the walls. It is very convenient to navigate the tiles on the floor. This is the most important level of compliance with the horizontal stitches. The gaps between the tiles are the same as in the case of the floor. When working, keep an eye on the evenness of the row.