How to choose a thermal underwear?

The time of total shortage of clothing, fortunately long past. Today's market is literally filled with novelties designed for the convenience and comfort of modern people. A striking example of this is thermal underwear. Most people according to statistics believe that it is intended only for those involved in sports or representatives of winter occupations. However, in reality it is not so. About warmth and comfort, ordinary civilians from northern countries and cities also reflect. And for many, the question "how not to freeze in the winter cold?" More than relevant. And thermal underwear is the best option for solving this issue.

How to choose the right thermal underwear?

Today under such a mysterious name for clothing for heat are simple things - shorts, women's t-shirts and leggings, t-shirts, men's pants and turtlenecks. They are divided into subspecies, depending on the activity of a person in the winter. Make thermal underwear for women , men and children from different materials and on a par with natural fibers there are also synthetic ones. True, in the word synthetics this time there is nothing terrible, as many may think. At the heart of such clothes are Spandex fibers, polyester and polypropylene, the main function of which is to ensure complete fit throughout the body, to avoid deformation and to give freedom movements. Since wool and cotton, of which this type of clothing also consists, do not have elasticity, this combination with synthetic materials is more than justified.

Thinking about how to choose thermal underwear, you, first of all, should determine your activity during the cold season. It's one thing if you do not want to freeze, waiting for a bus at a stop, and quite another, if you prefer winter fishing, skating or skiing. Our practical recommendations will help you to decide what you need:

1. Types of thermal underwear . Before deciding which thermo underwear to choose, you need to determine which of the three types you need:

Perfect for winter hikes, freeride and any activities where it's important not to freeze and not stay wet in the cold.

2. Models of different companies. Determine what thermal underwear will be better, only by testing it in practice. However, based on your activity, you can consider the following options:

- sports thermal underwear, which includes the following companies:

- with low physical activity in winter, it is better to choose everyday thermal underwear:

3. How to wear thermal underwear? To feel all the charm of this kind of clothes and feel its warmth, observe the principle of three-layered. That is, first the body is put on thermal underwear, the second layer is insulating (fleece clothing is best suited), and the third layer is protective (warm pants, jackets, etc.). But one thing is not enough how to wear thermal underwear. So that it lasts for a long time, you need to be able to take care of it.

4. How to wash thermal underwear and properly take care of him? This uneasy appearance requires uneasy attention. But in principle, in the care of thermal underwear, there is nothing difficult:

This knowledge will be enough to stop your choice of thermal underwear the most suitable for you. However, remember that for all occasions, one set will be small. Therefore, before buying carefully consider how active your winter will be.