Broth of bay leaves is good and bad

In folk medicine, laurel leaves are often used not in fresh form, but in infusions and broths. It is worth getting acquainted with the medicinal possibilities of bay leaf and finding out how safe its use can be.

What diseases do you use decoction?

The use of laurel leaf for medicinal purposes is known since ancient times:

Since ancient times, decoctions have been used to expel parasites from the body. In addition, there was a positive effect of the drug on lowering blood pressure, normalizing sleep, getting rid of insomnia , removing swelling, increasing the body's resistance to stress and depression.

Receiving broth helps reduce blood sugar. Broth of bay leaves, the use of which has been repeatedly confirmed, is used to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, helps to strengthen immunity and normalize the activity of nervous and other systems.

The positive influence of broths on the digestive tract was noted: in this process, essential oils that are part of its composition actively participate.

Broth of bay leaves has been widely used in procedures that contribute to weight loss: being a fairly strong diuretic, it actively removes excess fluid from the body. However, do not forget that taking a decoction for weight loss should be only one of the components of the complex to combat excess kilograms.

However, like any drug, the bay leaf broth can bring both tangible benefits and harm to the body, if you apply it thoughtlessly, without taking into account individual characteristics. It is categorically contraindicated for all kinds of inflammation occurring in the internal organs, as well as for chronic kidney and liver diseases. In addition, excessive reception of the drug may cause a strong allergic reaction.

Experts argue that the preparations of bay leaves can be used after consultation with the doctor in charge.