Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth

One of the brightest and most recognizable in the world of personalities is the actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. The main role in the movie "Terminator" brought him world fame, but no less achievement for him was a career in sports.

Young Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnie started to play sports, thanks to his father. However - this is the only thing for which the actor is grateful to him. In his youth, Arnold Schwarzenegger thought exclusively about the career of a bodybuilder. At the age of fifteen he decided to professionally do bodybuilding . At that time it was a relatively new sport, and, of course, the main problem was the lack of knowledge in this area. But, nevertheless, Arnold Schwarzenegger achieved great results in a short time. And after several years of exhausting training, in 1970 he was awarded the title "Mr. Olympia". Although, the actor admitted that at that time he was using steroids, which contributed to the development of the musculature. However, having found out that they harm health, decided to refuse them.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: height and weight in youth

Handsome Schwarzenegger enjoyed great popularity among women. Yes, and he felt a weakness for the beautiful half. In adolescence, he was thin and weak, his weight barely reached 70 kilograms. His classmates made fun of him, and the coach did not believe in his ability. But inside this "fragile" boy there was an incredible power. Already at the age of 17, the young athlete increased enough muscle mass to participate in contests. Despite his young age compared with his rivals, Arnold is making huge strides. And all this is due to his perseverance, perseverance and dedication.

For the period of the bodybuilder's career, the maximum weight of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth was 113 kg, and his height was 188 cm.

In 1980, his performance in Australia was the last. At the contest, he was once again awarded the title "Mr. Olympia - 1980". After that, the star decided to devote himself entirely to acting. Several years later, such films as "Terminator", "Running Man", "Commando", "Conan the Barbarian" and many others appear on the screen, where Schwarzenegger played the leading roles.

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Finally, we offer you to see archived photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth, presented in our gallery.