21 weeks of pregnancy - what happens?

What changes are 21 weeks for mom and her baby? By this time, the age of the fetus is 19 weeks. The fifth month of pregnancy is over.

Child at week 21 of pregnancy

The kid is developing rapidly. The main task for him in this period is to gain weight and build up a layer of subcutaneous fat. The weight of the baby at 21 weeks gestation ranges from 250 to 350 grams. At the same time, its growth remains insignificant - only 18-25 cm. It can now be compared with a large orange.

The nervous system of crumbs is already formed. The brain and the vestibular apparatus develop. Almost completed the formation of the endocrine system, which is represented by the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas and parathyroid glands, and the epiphysis.

The digestive system continues to form. A baby can consume 500-600 ml of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) per day. Their components - sugar and water, are perfectly absorbed by a tiny organism.

Fetal development at week 21 of pregnancy allows him to be very active. After all, its dimensions are still miniaturized, and it can be actively pushed and turned over. Mom can catch in a day from 1 to 4 movements.

The baby has already formed eyelids and brows, but he still can not see.

And the greatest joy for parents at this time - with the help of ultrasound, as a rule, it is possible to establish the sex of the child.

What happens at 21 weeks of pregnancy with my mother?

As a rule, during this period, the pregnant woman feels fine. Her skin and hair shine, there is still no great burden on the body, because the fruit is very small.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the mother can increase dramatically. This is a consequence of increased appetite - the fetus needs additional calories. It is very important to control yourself to prevent sudden jumps in weight. Try to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. And do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. The basis of the diet should be healthy food with a high content of calcium.

On average, the woman's initial weight is from 4-6 kg.

The tummy is markedly rounded, and the uterus at 21 weeks gestation is 1 cm above the navel, or 21 cm from the pubis. However, for the first time, a pain in the lumbar region can be reported. This is a consequence of the growing burden on the muscles. Try to avoid prolonged sedentary work, change the position of the body more often. In addition, you can already start wearing a bandage.

From the side of the gastrointestinal tract there can be such troubles as heartburn and constipation. The more the uterus becomes, the stronger it will press on the stomach. If you will eat in small quantities, carefully monitor your diet, introduce more fiber into the diet, then you will be able to quickly cope with these difficulties.

Increased attention is required by your blood vessels. A growing load can provoke varicose veins and the appearance of vascular asterisks. Wear orthopedic shoes, do special gymnastics. And if necessary - wear tightening elastic bandages.

Fetometry of the fetus at week 21 of pregnancy

This type of diagnosis allows using ultrasound to determine more accurately the duration of pregnancy, as well as possible pathologies in the development of the fetus.

Fetometry is based on the following parameters: biparietal head size (BDP), hip length (DB), chest diameter (DHA). Also important data contains the coccyx-parietal size (KTP) and the abdominal circumference (OC).

Then, the results are compared with the averaged values. But do not rush to panic if the results are not exactly the same - every child is individual. The final conclusion will be made by your attending physician.

Week 21 is another segment of the magical time of permanent transformations, called pregnancy.