Traditions of India

India is an original and original country, rich in ancient customs. A traveler who has come here for the first time will find it interesting and useful to learn some interesting traditions of India. In this country, traditions are respected very kindly, passed on from generation to generation and not knowledge or violation of any tradition of India can even be regarded as a crime.

Indian manners and customs

Since the majority of the population preaches Hinduism, most of India's national traditions are related to the laws of this religion:

  1. The left hand is considered "unclean" - avoid making important actions with this hand. For example, an Indian will never take money from you, if you give it to them with your left hand.
  2. Hindus do not respect their feet and are considered a dirty part of the body. God forbid you put them on a table or chair. An insult is considered to be even footsteps turned towards a particular person.
  3. Violation of physical space, touching a person is considered a personal insult. Avoid handshakes and familiar pats on the shoulder, back. If you want to say hello to a Hindu, just lift your palms to your chin and shake your head toward the greeted one.
  4. An unusual tradition in India is the cult of the cow. It is considered a sacred animal, it can not be offended, beaten, and the use of beef for food is equated with mortal sin. That's why cows in India are wandering around the streets and avenues, sometimes creating huge traffic jams from cars waiting until the animal leaves the roadway.

People come to India for various reasons. Who - to admire the ancient majestic architecture, who - to get acquainted and explore the cultural traditions of India, and who - to religious pilgrimages to the legendary Buddhist temples.

If you are interested in the cultural side of Hindu life, you should come here in November and visit the most famous and important festival of India - Diwali. It takes 5 days, during this time all the cities, towns and streets of the country are lit up by lights, the glowing country is visible even from outer space at this time! There is a national tradition of India that this festival is held in honor of the victory of good over evil. In a sign of this, every resident of the country must go out with a lantern or a glowing lamp and join the procession through the streets.

An unusual tradition in India seems to our European view Mehendi. This is one of the traditional wedding ceremonies in the country. The bride is painted henna on the eve of the ceremony. On the outer and inner sides of the palms artfully crafted an intricate symbolic pattern, which from the side can be taken as a tattoo or lace gloves. Remains of henna from the procedure should be buried in the ground. Traditions of India say that this way a strong indestructible marriage is guaranteed for many years to come.

If you decide to visit the majestic temples of India, keep in mind that the philosophical traditions of India prescribe to take off your shoes before entering. In general, the basis of Indian philosophy is the worship of antiquity. It is believed that the more ancient the custom, the more correct it is, the more important it is to observe it. Modern teachings are not appreciated in India, considering today people and their thoughts are spoiled.

Rules of conduct for women

And, at last, a few important parting words for women who will visit the country for the first time. In India, women are treated with awe and reverence as a deity, but the behavior from it is expected to be appropriate. Out of respect for the traditions and customs of India: