Sewing machine for leather

Who among us would not like to boast of an unusual and stylish bag or purse made of leather ? We think that there are not so many such people. But the trouble is, there is always a risk that one of the people around will get the same thing. Of course, having skillful hands you can make a cherished new thing yourself, but here comes the next problem: not all sewing machines are suitable for sewing thick skin. About what machine is able to cope with the skin, we'll talk today.

Industrial sewing machine for sewing leather and fabrics

For those who do not imagine themselves without sewing and have achieved a certain skill in this business, it makes sense to think about purchasing an industrial sewing machine. And for sewing leather not every industrial machine, but only models with a triple advance and a flat platform for sewing clothes or a cylindrical platform for the manufacture of various leather goods, will suit. Such an assembly, with proper adjustment, is able to cope with even a fairly thick skin, not to mention dense tissues, for example, coats.

Household sewing machine for sewing leather

If the manufacture of leather products is one-time or is planned at all as an experiment, it is quite possible to do with a household sewing machine. But even here there are some reservations. Do not use modern electronic sewing machines for these purposes, unless, of course, they are equipped with the function of sewing leather. Most likely, such an experiment will result in damage to the machine and the skin. It is better to get from the mezzanines hand-tested sewing machine "Podolsk", proven by many generations or the good old "Singer". As the experience of domestic masters shows, these two hand sewing machines are the most suitable for sewing leather products of any thickness. Good results also show the Soviet "Seagull", but it will have to additionally buy a special foot - Teflon or Teflon, which will not allow the skin to "skid" during sewing.

Hand sewing mini machine for sewing leather

With small repairs of leather products of a small thickness, the manual sewing mini-machines, working on the principle of a stapler, will cope as well. But we should remember that buying such machines is a kind of lottery. Quite often, these machines stop working almost immediately after purchase, and their repair is not appropriate.