Rachel McAdams admitted that after "Dr. Strange" she often has a headache

The famous Canadian actress Rachel McAdams, who many know from the paintings "The Oath" and "Mean Girls", six months ago finished work in the filming of the film "Doctor Strange", but still he often recalls. And the fault of all was her colleague on the set actor Benedikt Cumberbatch, who turned out to be a very emotional person.

Rachel McAdams

Work with Benedikt was a shock to me

It so happened that the picture "Doctor Strange" tells about the genius neurosurgeon, who after the disaster was able to discover some unusual abilities. This scientist played in the movie Cumberbatch, and the role of his assistant nurse went to Rachel McAdams. In the film, quite a lot of different episodes, when the actors are playing together. So Rachel remembers her work in this picture:

"Cumberbatch is a terrific actor. He could very skillfully convey his emotions. When he started to cry or laugh I did the same. Working with Benedict became a shock to me. I remember that we had a day when we were shooting a scene in which Dr. Strange was very upset because of a disaster and career. He had to cry. And the director did not like everything and did not like it. So the whole day we shot his tears. And if you consider that I also began to sob with him, then mine. After such filming, we already cried together from a terrible headache. It was terrible. When I see posters with the picture "Doctor Strange" or advertising, for some reason I remember exactly this shooting day. I admit that I still often have a headache with such memories. "

This reaction to the film Makadams connects with his past:

"I am very anxious about the profession of a nurse or a doctor. For me, these are holy people. Since my childhood I have been watching the work of my mother, who was a doctor. In addition, I often witnessed her experiences and tears because of the patients. I was very impressed with my character in "Doctor Strange".
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A few interesting facts about "Doctor Strange"

The plot of the picture is quite unusual. "Doctor Strange" immerses the viewer at a time when the main character of the band is experiencing a terrible tragedy - a car crash, which put an end to the career of a successful neurosurgeon. In the hope of recovering, Strange goes on a journey and opens up the ability to transform time and space. Now he is the link between parallel measurements, as well as the protector of the Earth from Evil.

By the way, the budget of the picture was 165 million dollars, while its collections in the world exceeded 630 million.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdams