Rabbits of the sheep breed

The decorative rabbit ram has long hanging ears and a hump on the nose that forms on the head with the help of high cartilaginous bases of the ear auricles. Rabbits of this breed have an inherent only their squat constitution and a short body. Ears protruding from young individuals. Ears begin to sag when the rabbit reached the 6-week age.

These animals are of a wide color. There is a blue rabbit ram, smooth black, and also gray-silver, white and others. Rabbits breed ram are unpretentious, they can be planted everywhere.

It is proved that the decorative rabbit lop-eared ram came from an unredited European rabbit, which is now common in the Mediterranean countries and countries of Western Europe.

Rabbits breed French ram

The French fold rabbit breed of sheep was withdrawn in the middle of the 19th century. There is an opinion that it was the result of the crossing of a German giant with a decorative lop-eared rabbit. This turned out to be a decorative lop-eared rabbit of large sizes, having good growth rates and beautiful fur. This rabbit has become a fast-growing meat breed.

French rabbits of the lop-eared sheep breed have a large broad-browed head with well-formed cheeks. Ears in length can reach 45 cm. Rabbits of this breed can have white, black, blue color, as well as various shades of gray. However, the most variegated shades are common.

The French rabbit of the ram breed is a friendly and gentle animal, but it is not very suitable for young children. These rabbits are quite large and require a lot of space. It is better not to keep them in cages. But as a pet it is an excellent option.

Dwarf rabbit breeds ram

Dwarf lop-eared rabbits look very original. Of all the breeds, they are the most ungainly and tame, get used to people faster than others. Perhaps, because of the hanging ears, these rabbits hear worse and are not frightened of every sound. This favorite of adults and children is distinguished by a friendly complaisant character.

A miniature replica of a large sheep rabbit appeared in Holland in the mid-20th century and quickly conquered all of Europe. Normal weight of dwarf rabbits from 1.5 to 1.9 kg. Animals weighing less than 1 kg or more than 2 kg are not recommended for breeding.

The trunk of this rabbit is stocky, with a broad back, with a beautiful back line and a powerful short neck. Forelegs short. The small tail closely adjoins to a trunk. Females do not have a dewlap. Skin of a dwarf rabbit is not stiff, even, with a thick undercoat. Ears well covered with hair. A typical feature of dwarf rabbits-sheep is a massive "lamb" head and a broad forehead. Eyes are large. The ears are 24-28 cm long, tightly pressed and hanging down on both sides of the head. Rabbits sheep are prolific, in the litter usually up to 6 rabbits.

Cages and aviaries for rabbits of sheep breed

Dwarf rabbits are usually kept in a cage, which is a trellised body and a plastic pallet.

The minimum size of cells for rabbits:

The depth of the pallet should be 15 cm, so that your rabbit can dig freely. It is desirable to have a shelter house without a floor, which will make it easy to clean it.

It is better to use as a litter sawdust, which absorbs urine well. You can also use newsprint, such a bedding rabbits are also happy to dig. Peat forms a lot of dust, irritating the respiratory tract.

Cage can not be left under the scorching sun. Make sure that part of the cell is in shadow. The rabbit house can not be placed close to a battery or stove.