Principles of Family Education

The main principles of family education include such requirements for the upbringing of the child, as purposefulness, complexity, consistency, compulsion. Features of family upbringing of the child is that this is a controlled process of relationships, which is influenced by both parents and the child himself. Therefore, parents should adhere to the principles of equivalence and respect for the child's personality.

Parents can choose different goals and methods, but only observance of the fundamental principles, personally adapted, allows them to build a pedagogically literate process of upbringing in their family.

What are the general principles of family education?

They include:

Violation of the principles and characteristics of family education

An obligatory condition for family education is the equal participation of parents in it. The goals and methods of each parent should not conflict with one another, one should not allow what the other prohibits. Violation of the principle of consistency causes the child to be confused and subsequently ignoring conflicting demands.

Dysfunctional and incomplete families , as well as those who are prosperous only formally, most often experience problems of family upbringing, expressed in the absence of an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. In such circumstances, parents do not seek to understand the child, to see in him a person, to recognize his right to his own opinion. In such families, children grow up with low self-esteem, lose initiative, are afraid to express their desires and show feelings.

The principles of family upbringing are often influenced by traditional approaches to a particular culture or religion, no matter how effective and useful in a particular case. But they often determine the methods, while modern upbringing involves the use not only of the experience of previous generations, but also of scientific developments in the field of psychology and pedagogy. Absolute ignorance of pedagogical principles leads to serious mistakes and miscalculations in the upbringing of the child's personality.