National Archaeological Museum

La Paz is the favorite city of Bolivia among tourists. Here you can learn a lot of interesting information about the history and culture of this state, which makes the city an undisputed leader among other megacities. It has an excellent tourist infrastructure, and local residents are very friendly towards strangers. The cultural component of La Paz, especially in the historical aspect, is a real treasure for tourists. In the city there is a considerable number of museums, expositions of which are ready to share their secrets and riddles with visitors. And one of them is the National Archaeological Museum of Bolivia.

More about the museum

Bolivia, as the country of the New World, has an incredibly colorful history. Her pages intrigue us with riddles of the ancient civilizations of the pre-Columbian era. A huge number of artifacts of antiquity allow as accurately as possible to recreate the idea of ​​ancient beliefs and traditions . The National Archaeological Museum of Bolivia is the place where we can touch the echoes of the past and form our own idea of ​​the culture of the Indians.

The history of the museum began in 1846 in the building of the local theater, where the first collection of exhibits was presented to the whole world. An important role in the fate of the organization was played by Archbishop Jose Manuel Indaburo, who, despite his rank, was deeply involved in archeology. Much effort was worth continuing the museum, but as a result, on January 31, 1960, the National Archaeological Museum opened the doors to its own premises before visitors. The collection presented on that day is kept here and today, only a few updated and updated.

In its structure, the National Archaeological Museum is part of the National Institute of Archeology of Bolivia. In its vaults, the true treasures of ancient civilizations are safely hidden. More than 50 thousand ancient artifacts found their shelter on the shelves of the museum. Some of them were found on excavations, some were bought with the money of the museum, and there are some exhibits that came to this collection as a gift from private collections.

Expositions of the museum

What is impressive about the National Archaeological Museum of Bolivia? For the most part - ritual objects. Here you can get to know the beliefs and life of the Indians of Tiwanaku, Mollo, Chiripov, as well as learn a lot about the Inca civilization and the traditions of the peoples of eastern Bolivia. Various sculptures, paintings, clothing, household items, as well as examples of music and dance reveal the subtle process of merging of Indians and Europeans at the level of their culture. In addition, among the exhibits of the museum there are many interesting carved figurines, pottery, ornaments of bronze and precious stones. Here you can see samples of arms of the peoples of the pre-Columbian era and ritual clothing, and huge sculptures with deities of the Indians meet the tourist even at the entrance to the museum.

There are organized tours , as well as individual ones. The guide can tell about each group of exhibits in two languages ​​- English and Spanish. The exposition of the museum is constantly updated, so even if you have already visited this place, after a while you can still discover something new. And for those who want to study in detail the culture of the people of Bolivia, this museum will become a real storehouse of priceless information.

How to get to the museum?

The National Archaeological Museum of Bolivia is located two blocks south-east of El Prado. The easiest way to get here is by bus to the VillaSalome PUC or Plaza Camacho. In both cases, one block will have to be walked.