Lyme disease - symptoms

Lyme disease refers to bacterial infections in which all systems and organs are afflicted. It is caused by a spirochete, which is transmitted by a tick bite.

Causes of infection

As a rule, Lyme disease is transmitted as through one bite of an infected tick, and through the long stay of this insect in the human body. However, it should be noted that the risk of infection with this infection may increase depending on the time during which the infected insect is in contact with a person. In most cases, the tick becomes infected with this infection when it bites already infected animals, such as a mouse or a deer.

If a person has been ill with Lyme's disease, unfortunately, he does not develop immunity and with the repeated bite of an infected tick, he will again have the symptoms of this ailment.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

The early symptoms of Lyme disease are fairly similar to those of influenza. Among the main features can be identified:

A few days after the bite of a spirochete infected with an insect, the patient develops changes in the skin. In this case, in people with fair skin, this is usually a rash, and with a swarthy - degenerative manifestations have the appearance of bruises. In some cases, the first signs of Lyme disease may not appear at all. In this case, this is an indication that there is a rapid involvement of the patient's internal organs in the infectious process.

In a few days or weeks, after the first manifestation of Lyme disease, the infection gets deeper. During this period, rashes may temporarily stop.

Since under the impact is the entire human body, often the symptoms of Lyme disease or, as it is also called tick borreliosis , appear in every patient in different ways. In medicine, it is customary to isolate such a symptomatology of this ailment:

  1. From the side of the central nervous system - there is weakness in the limbs, sensitivity is impaired, reflex function worsens. The patient is worried about severe headaches, discomfort during chewing and swallowing, and sometimes speech disappears. In addition, memory may become impaired, hearing deteriorate, sensitivity to light may appear.
  2. From the viewpoint - a sharp deterioration in vision, in some cases even blindness. There is damage to the fiber, the eyes become very red, conjunctivitis, inflammation of all parts of the eye. The patient may feel pain when blinking, and also see spots before the eyes.
  3. From the skin - the appearance of itchy, different in shape and color of rashes, which can be localized in different areas of the skin.

In addition, this disease can affect the liver, lungs, heart and its signs are manifested and by these organs.

Treatment of Lyme disease

The manifestation of early symptoms allows the treatment of Lyme disease to be treated until the moment when the disease reaches a severe form. Also, for the success of the therapy, it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis with a complete picture of all internal injuries.

Unfortunately, today there are no clear protocols of treatment for this. The use of antibiotics gives a positive result only at the initial stages of the development of Lyme disease. In case the infection "hooked" the entire body, the course of supporting antibiotics will be repeated throughout the life of the patient. As for other medicinal and non-medicinal products for the treatment of this disease, they are extremely symptomatic.