Breast in Pregnancy

It's not a secret that changes in the mammary gland serve as the first sign that a woman has born a new life under her heart. And it is hormonal restructuring of the body of the fair sex, leads to the fact that the breast during pregnancy increases.

How does the breast change in the early stages of pregnancy?

As a rule, breast changes during pregnancy are observed almost from the first days. In addition, there may be sensations of soreness. Supersensitivity develops. The color of the areola and nipples may change. Often, when the chest swells during pregnancy, it shows a pronounced network of venous vessels.

Often, because of the accelerated growth of mammary glands during pregnancy, stretch marks appear on the chest. It is observed during the first ten weeks from the beginning of pregnancy and, then, closer to childbirth. Sometimes, the breasts during pregnancy increase by several times and if the skin does not have sufficient elasticity - stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy are inevitable. However, the situation can be corrected by applying special creams as soon as the breast starts to itch.

Discharge from the chest during pregnancy

Women rarely show concern when breast enlargement occurs during pregnancy, realizing that this is a natural process. But, often frightened, noticing the discharge from the nipples.

But do not worry. These excretions are the first maternal milk - colostrum. It is a sweetish, watery liquid, slightly yellow in color. First colostrum from the chest during pregnancy is fairly dense. However, the closer to childbirth, the softer it becomes.

Colostrum begins to be produced by the mammary gland from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. But, with stimulation during sex or massage, discharge from the breast during pregnancy can begin earlier. Often, excretions are absent until the very birth. After the sixth month of pregnancy, an impurity of blood can be seen in the discharge. Usually, they arise because of the increased production of prolactin, which is responsible for the preparation of the breast for the period of lactation, and oxytocin, conducive to the formation of milk.

And yet, it is better to consult a mammologist to rule out the possibility of developing any breast disease. By the way, you should not try to express from the chest secretion fluid.

How to save breasts during pregnancy?

That after pregnancy and childbirth the breast continues to look attractive, it is necessary to observe some recommendations.

  1. Get a bra, well supporting the swollen chest, but not squeezing it. The most convenient will be a model without pits, on wide straps, with a fastener on the back, with which you can adjust the volume. Optimal linen can be bought at the pharmacy.
  2. Daily contrast shower with gentle massage washcloth will allow to harden the breast. Massage in a circular motion, without touching the nipples.
  3. During the feeding of the baby on the nipples, cracks are often formed, so the skin of the nipples should be strengthened. For this, the contrast shower is perfect. Often, tips are found to strengthen the nipples, such as rubbing them with a toothbrush or massage with a towel. Do not believe everything you hear. Rough stimulation of the nipples can cause uterine contractions.
  4. Struggle with stretch marks on the skin will help special creams.

If during pregnancy one breast becomes bigger than another, then this breast produces more colostrum. In addition, even during puberty, the breasts grow unevenly. There is nothing terrible. After completing the lactation, the breasts will return to normal again.