Tile in the toilet - design

Room of reverie

Toilet is not in vain for a joke called "room reverie." In addition to direct purpose, a person in it can relax, read and even meditate as much as possible. In densely populated Japan, a toilet is the only place where a person can stay alone, that's why they treat the design of this room especially. We will try to follow their example.

Tile is the most practical and durable solution for walls. The design of the tile in the toilet, as in the smallest room of the apartment, should be aimed at increasing the space, but often the dimensions of the room are so small that this visual expansion of the walls is simply meaningless. Therefore, the design of tiles in a small toilet should be such that you were comfortable spending time in it. In this regard, you can firmly state that the color of the tile in the toilet is important.

About styling and flowers

Perhaps someone likes the sterile white color of the tile, but in the dressing room he is frankly skimpy. Especially the layout of such a tile in the toilet "herringbone" or diagonally. Pink, blue and pale green glossy tile steel steel mauveton.

But the black color, contrary to popular belief, looks great in the toilet, especially in combination with white trowel. An interesting solution in black is tile imitating a mosaic , although it is expensive.

The design of laying tiles in the toilet is better to do homogeneous, although it is possible and the combination of several types of styling. Looks good in the difference in texture, the game on the contrasts. It is possible to use tiles of both large and small sizes, tiles with relief patterns, photographic plates . Colors must be combined skillfully. When using bright colors it is important that the interior does not irritate and does not put pressure on the eyesight. But when using dark tones, make sure that the interior does not press on the psyche and does not oppress.