Care of cast-iron dishes

Cast-iron dishes are an indispensable and in some way even a unique item of kitchen utensils with a centuries-old history. No other material can boast of the property not only not to change, but even to improve its external and consumer qualities. Simple, but careful care for cast-iron dishes will allow using it for frying or quenching a wide variety of products for generations to several decades. Pans, utyatnitsy, kazany from this material are evenly heated, long keep the temperature, do not deform and are not afraid of bumps and scratches.

Kitchen utensils made of cast iron are of two main types: uncoated and with various coatings (enamel, ceramics). We will understand how to take care of cast-iron dishes of both types, taking into account their characteristics.

Care of dishes without coating

Cast iron - this durable and durable material - has some drawbacks. First, utensils made of cast iron are very heavy, but fragile, and when dropped from a high altitude they can split at all. Secondly, cast-iron dishes rusts. Therefore, these kitchen accessories must be properly prepared for first use and for further storage.

After buying cast-iron dishes it must be washed, calcined with salt for 30-40 minutes, and then grease with vegetable oil. After using this dish, you need not only to wash it carefully, but also to dry it (for example, heat it on a fire). Before long storage it is useful to lubricate the bottom and walls with vegetable oil. Cleaning of cast iron dishes without coating is done only manually and without the use of aggressive detergents.

The appearance of rust on the surface of cast iron dishes without coating can be easily eliminated: it is enough to rub the stain with any abrasive material (a stiff china sponge or sandpaper), grease with oil and calcine for 30-40 minutes.

Care of coated dishes

The most common coating for utensils made of cast iron is enamel. Such pans and kazans are easy to clean (it is permissible to use the dishwasher), they can store food for a long time and have an attractive appearance. But such a coating has a significant drawback: instability to damage and sudden temperature changes.

Pig-iron pottery with ceramic coating, perhaps, best combines the consumer qualities of metal and ceramics. Such dishes are not afraid of mechanical damage, it is easy to clean and not rust, but the price of this kitchen utensils is very high.