God's dandelions: 6 people with non-combing hair syndrome

How often on the expanses of the Internet did you get in the mood of pictures of kids with a hair like a dandelion? But in fact agree, you probably thought that this is all the tricks of the photoshop?

So, it's time to open the maps and introduce you to the unique representatives of our planet - people who have a syndrome of non-combing hair!

In fact, there are no more than 100 such people today. This phenomenon was first described by the French physicians in 1973 and is accordingly called "heveux incoiffables". Well, a little later, in the American Journal of Human Genetics, a whole study was published describing in detail that the "non-combing hair syndrome" occurs as a result of a genetic mutation in three genes: PADI3, TGM3 and TCHH, the first two of which are responsible for the information about enzymes, and the last - for structure and form. In a word, under a microscope it is clearly seen that the trunk of a hair in people with such a syndrome is not of a circular shape, but more like a triangle along which the canal passes. And visually such hair, as a rule, light, very dry and slightly curly.

Let's find out about the most famous "lady dandelions"?

1. Shila Yin

Parents of 7-year-old Shila Yin from Australian Melbourne say that from birth to up to 3 months, their daughter's hair did not differ from the hair of all newborns, and only then a strange fluff began to "punch" the girl's head. Since then, Shila's hair has become more and more stuck in different directions and every year to brighten up!

Of course, the unusual hairdress influenced the character of the girl - at first she was embarrassed by her tangled hair and was afraid of ridicule of the surrounding children. But thanks to the efforts of the parents, today Sheela perceives her hair as uniqueness and solid positive!

Every morning the girl's mom sprinkles her hair with a spray for easy combing and tries to tame their comb with wide teeth for more than 20 minutes, but to no avail - once they dry up, Shila's head again becomes like a real sun!

2. Jaili Lamb

And the mother of this charming little girl spent more than two years and hundreds of dollars on money, trying to tame disobedient strands until she heard a shocking diagnosis. But you just look, it seems, Jaili is only happy with her unique feature!

3. Leila-Grace Barlow

Let's get acquainted with one of the hundreds of people with hair-loss syndrome - 5-year-old Leila-Grace Barlow. Her parents, Alex and Mark, also did not immediately understand the complexity of their life, but today they assure that they would not change anything. Well, if only because the "mad" scientist Albert Einstein also had such naughty strands!

"When people hear about this syndrome, they think that it's about dirty hair," Leila-Grace parents say. "But it's so unfair, knowing how we take care of them." But for you to understand exactly how many tests our baby can withstand, try combing ... glass! "

4. Phoebe Braveswell

But the mother of the "dandelion" from North Carolina Phoebe Braswell is so generally ready to despair, because all the surrounding people do not believe in the so-called syndrome of unsorted hair from her daughter, and constantly accuse her of neglecting her child!

5. Leila Paloste

Well, Leila Paloste from Finland for a long time believed that her hair just "a bad day", until through the Internet did not find out about the unsympathetic syndrome. Moreover, as it turned out, in her country she is his only representative!

6. Boris Johnson

You will not believe, but British politician and journalist Boris Johnson is by far the only known politician with a syndrome of non-combing hair. And despite the fact that the former mayor of London does not recognize this fact, his hairstyle confirms this every day!