Another reason for scandals in the family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

The latest news about the state of marriage of a beautiful couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie argue that only a miracle can save the family. Scandals, jealousy and betrayal, a looming division of property and children - from everywhere only sad news and no hope of reconciliation.

The eternal question: either I or a friend ?!

When a family finds a scythe on a stone, new scandalous situations are brought to the public's court and it becomes clear that the problem in relations has deep roots. In the eyes of strangers there was another scolding Jolie and Pitt, from which it became known about Angelina's long-standing dislike for the best friend of her husband Edward Norton.

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It turns out that Jolie puts her husband above the family of his friends. According to eyewitnesses of what is happening, Angelina rebukes Brad that communication with a friend makes him frivolous, that Edward and his wife are too small for friendship with them.

The next check of relations on durability

The arrogant beauty will have to accept this state of affairs, because Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are inseparable friends since 1999, and for men, true friendship often comes first. In any case, the comrades will often see each other, because they have signed a contract with HBO television channel to participate in the mini-series.